Class 11 English Notes | Unit .1- Democratic citizenship | New Book

Democratic Citizenship | Word Meaning

Presidential addressصدارتی خطاب  Inauguralافتتاحی  Constituentآئین ساز  Consequentialنتیجہ خیز  
AssertionsدعوےTestifiesگواہی دیتا ہے۔  Excerptاقتباس  Conferredعطا کیا گیا۔  
Onerousبوجھل  Sovereignخودمختار  Wonderingسوچ  Unprecedentedبے مثال  
Cyclonicطوفانی / طاقتورDominationsتسلط  Inhabitantsباشندے  Titanicطاقتور / بہت بڑا
Unparallelبے مثال  Briberyرشوت  Adequateکافی  Colossalبھاری بھر کم  
Commodityاجناس  Starvationبھوک  Nepotismاقربا پروری  Jobberyنوکری  
Relentlesslyبے لگام  Hatchetبرائی Creedعقیدہ  Angularitiesکونیات  
SubjectionغلامDiscriminationامتیازی سلوک  Prejudiceتعصب  Put downنیچحے   دکھانا  
Bring aboutپیش کرنا / و جہ بننا  Go throughسے گزرنا  Bound toسے جڑے ہونا  Iron handآہنی ہاتھ  
Bring to bearپر عمل کرنا  Bury the hatchetبرائی کو دفن کرنا      

Democratic Citizenship | Questions & Answers

Question -1:  What is Democracy?

Ans. Democracy is a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.

What were main functions of Quaid’s constituent Assembly to perform?

Ans. There were two main functions of Quaid’s constituent assembly to perform after the creation of Pakistan.

Question -2: When did Quaid-e-Azam make his presentational address?

Ans. The Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah made Precedential address on 11th August, 1947.

Question -3:  What were the main functions of Quaid’s constituent assembly to perform?

Ans. The main functions of the Quaid’s constituent assembly were as under:

This is the duty of the government to maintain law and order so that the life, property and religious belief of its people are fully protected by the state.

The next is bribery and corruption, which is a poison, and should be dealt with iron hand.

Question -4: Who coined the name of Pakistan?

Ans. Chaudhery Rehmat Ali Khan, a Cambridge student, coined the name of Pakistan.

Question -5: How was the word ‘Pakistan’ formed?

Ans. Word ‘Pakistan’ was formed from letters of Indian & Asian territories. 

Question -6:  Where was the word ‘Pakistan’ first used?

Ans. The word ‘Pakistan’ was first used in a pamphlet ‘Now or Never.’

Question -7:  Who was the last viceroy of India?

Ans. The last viceroy of India was Lord Mount Batten, when Pakistan came into being.

Question -8:  Who was the first governor general of Pakistan?

Ans. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the first governor general of Pakistan.

Question -9:  What were the views of Quaid about creed & cast?

Ans. The Quaid-e-Azam clearly said about the creed & cast of the people of Pakistan that creed & cast is the personal matter of a person. It has nothing to do with the business of the state.

Question -10:  Differentiate between phrase and idiom.

Ans. A phrase is a group of words used to define an expression. An idiom is an expression made by grouping words together to mean something that is different from the literal meaning of the phrase or saying.

Question -11:  Why was the Quaid feeling honoured while addressing the first constituent assembly?

Ans. The Quaid-e-Azam was feeling honoured while addressing the first constituent assembly due to following reasons

  1.       He was supported by a number of Muslims in his noble cause.
  2.       He was the leader of the Muslims.
  3.       He was the founder of the new state.
  4.     He was the first governor general of Pakistan.
  5.       People co-operated with him and esteemed him.

Question -12:  Which is the biggest curse according to the Quaid-e-Azam?

Ans. According to the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah bribery and corruption is the biggest curse.

Question -13:  What was the Quaid’s vision about the religious freedom?

Ans. The Quaid-e-Azam had a clear cut vision about the religious freedom which he discussed in his presidential address saying that “ You are free, you are free to go to mosques, you are free to go to your temples, or any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any creed or cast, we are citizen and equal citizen of this state.”

Question -14:  According to the Quaid-e-Azam, what lesson should we learn?

Ans. According to the Quaid-e-Azam we should learn lesson from our history, the history of Muslims. We should not do the things which are prohibited in Islam and should strictly follow the rules of Islam told by the Prophet Muhammad. We should maintain peace and law in the country.

Question -15:  How for the key ideas of the Quaid’s speech are applicable to the present scenario?

Ans. Quaid’s key ideas are quite applicable to the present scenario by adopting the fair and true democracy and following the justice and peace rules expressed in the holy book.

Question -16:  How can we make Pakistan prosperous in the light of the Quaid-e-Azam vision?

Ans. Quaid-e-Azam had a dream of sovereign state and true democracy. By following the rule of sovereign state and adopting true democracy we can achieve our destination. 

Question -17:  “I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fair play without any political language, prejudice and ill-will.” Elaborate these words.

Ans. In this statement, Quaie-e-Azam clearly expresses his opinion that he wants to follow the justice only. He denies any political influence, prejudice and any kind of support which may harm the system of justice. In this way we can become the greatest nation.

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