Class 11 Notes | Unit-2 | ONCE MORE TO THE LAKE

Words & Meanings

Rentedکرائے پر لیاInconveniencesمشکل / پریشانیHooksہکسTook alongساتھ لے  گیا
LilyکنولMarredخراب کیاUniqueمنفرد / مختلفBayکنارا / خلیج
Tarredتار کول سے بنا  ہواDesolatedویرانGroovesماضی کے جھروکےMotionlessرکا ہوا
LumberلکڑیSneakکھسک جاناCanoeکشتی کی قسمWoodedلکڑیوں سے بھرا
Sprinkledبکھرے ہوئے تھےTarتارکولSustainبرقرا ر رہناIllusionسراب / ماضی
TranspositionمنتقلیSensationاحساسPersistedباقی رہنا / برقرا          رBait boxسامان
Creepyڈراؤنا DampنمPineچیڑ کا   درختAlightاترنا
Hoveredمنڈلاتا ہواMirageخیال / سرابChuckingپانی کا چلناRowboatکشتی
AnchorلنگرDebrisملبہMerestفقطBreezeٹھنڈی ہوا
EnchantedلبھایاStirredابھرا / ہلایاCampersکیمپ کے لوگInsubstantialغیر ضروری
Jollityخوش مزاجیJarredٹکراؤDriftبہاؤSedativeپر سکون
IngredientاجزاLungersلنگرThrobbedدھڑکاFlutteredپھڑ پھڑانا
Purredپھر پھر کی آوازPetulantغصہ دلانے والیIrritableغصہ والاWhinedچینخا
Accumulatedجمع کیا ہواStirہلچلImperceptiblyناقابل فہم طور پرSwampدلدل
  Rustyزنگ آلودہTapping outاچھلنا کودنا  

Questions & Answers :

  1. When did his father rent a camp?

Ans. According to the author, one summer, along about 1904, his father rented a camp on a lake in Maine.  

  1. In which month his father rented a camp?

Ans. According to the author, they rented a camp for the month of August.

  1. How were his vacations?

Ans. According to the author, except some minor inconveniences, the vacation was a success.

  1. What did he take himself?

Ans. The author recalls his memories saying that he took himself a couple of fish hooks and a spinner.

  1. How much time did author use to spend there?

Ans. Author used to spend a month of August there in Maine.

  1. With whom did author visit the lake again?

Ans. The author visited the lake again with his son in 1941.

  1. How was the scene around the lake?

Ans. E.B white expresses that the lake was not a wild lake, there were cottages sprinkled around the shores, and it was farming although the shores of the lake were quite heavily wooded.

  1. Who owned the cottages around the lake?

Ans. Some of the cottages were owned by nearby farmers.

  1. How many fish did he catch?

Ans. The author says that they caught two fish.

  1. Which type of literary piece is it?

Ans. This is an essay which has been written by E.B White. It is a personal & narrative non-fiction  essay.

  1. What did author reflect in the essay?

Ans. The author reflects his past and present in this essay.

  1. When did White take his first trip to the lake?

Ans. E.B White took his first trip to the lake with his family in August 1904.

  1. What was the difference between his past and present in the lake?

Ans. E.B White says that there was no difference between his past and present on the lake except the sounds of the lake.

  1. Who is the speaker of the essay?

Ans. E.B White is the speaker of the essay, who speaks about his past and present comparing his childhood with his son’s childhood. 

  1. When did White visit the lake with his son?

Ans. E.B White visited the lake again in 1941 with his son and recalled his memories of his childhood.

Q16. What is the full name of E.B White?

Ans. The full name of E.B White is Elwyn Brooks White.

Q17. When was he born and when did he die?

Ans. Elwyn Brooks White was born on 11th July 1899 and died on 1st October 1985.

Q18. Write the name of few literary piece of E.B.White.

Ans. E.B White has written many books. Few of these are as under.

Stuart Little in 1945, Charlotte’s web in 1952, The Trumpet of the Swan in 1970.

Q19. What was the feeling of E.B. White on the lake?

Ans. The past memories of the lake took him again to the lake with his son. He felt child like wonder that made him feel like a child and his father at the same time.

Q20. What was the creepy sensation of E.B. White?

Ans. The creepy sensation that he experienced that at the lake was his feeling as a child and at the same time as his father.

Q21. What does the lake symbolize in Once More to the lake?

Ans. The lake symbolizes the peace and mental relax for the author. He feels that he is reliving his childhood memories. So the lake symbolizes as the peacefulness or calmness.  

Q22. Why does writer take a vacation at this particular lake?

Ans. Writer E.B. White takes his vacation at this particular lake because this lake reminds him his childhood days when he used to visit this lake with his father. So he likes to be in illusion and feels relax at this lake.

Q23. Which key concern the writer has expressed in the text?

Ans. The writer has expressed the following key concern in the text.

He expresses his concern about the change at the lake as he says, “I wondered how time would have marred this unique, this beautiful spot.” He expresses his concern further about the sound of the place as he says, “The only thing that was wrong now, really, was the sound of the place, un unfamiliar nervous sound of the outboard motors”. He has also some concern about the time that has passed now and he is old now.   

Q24. How was the lake changed since he was a boy?

Ans. He was thinking the change of the lake but he says that nothing has changed except a few changes as the sound of the boats which has changed now and few plants near by the lake and the scenes which have somehow changed.

Q25. What contrast does the writer make between the sea and the lake?

Ans. The author expresses contrast between the sea and the lake saying that unlike the sea the lake is so peaceful and calm. It gives peace and mental relax to the author while at the sea there is no calmness and mental peace.

Q26. Why does the writer repeatedly call the lake as ‘wild lake’?

Ans. The writer repeatedly calls the wild lake because this lake is not a wild lake according to the author. He says that there are different cottages around the lake and this lake is a peaceful lake which has nothing like a wild lake.

Q27. Why is the arriving at the lake is less exciting now than in the past?

Ans. In the past when the writer used to visit the lake, he felt happiness and mental relax at the lake while now when he visits the lake he feels the time that has passed and he has become old. Now visiting the lake is not exciting for him as he has no much time to live in this mortal world.

Q28. How the boat is motors different in the present situation?

Ans. The boat motors in the past were less noisy but now as the development of science has changed the things and made them rapid, the author says that now the boat motors are noisy and create noise pollution.

Q29. The writer calls the lake as a ‘holy spot’. How does he further develop his idea?

Ans.  The writer call the lake as a holly spot because he feels mental peace at the lake whenever he visits the lake, he forgets his worldly worries and feel mental peace at the lake.

Q30. What kind of sensation persisted and grew in the mind of the writer?

Ans. The sensation persisted in the mind of the writer is that he feels peace and recalls his past memories. He feels the joy of his childhood at the lake and at the same time he feels himself a child and a father.

Q31. What is the central idea of the text?

 Ans. The central idea of the text is that the natural scenes gives mental peace and relax to everyone. The time the like the ice that does not stay for anyone. The author has become old and he knows that the death is near now. So time does not wait and life has an end.

5 thoughts on “Class 11 Notes | Unit-2 | ONCE MORE TO THE LAKE”

  1. Assalamualaikum
    I need notes on English poems.

    Poem number 1 ; Lucy Gray
    Poem number 2 ; the Abbot of Canterbury
    Poem number 3 ; surr khahori

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